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Seeking candidates for CIRA’s Board of Directors

Are you passionate about the internet? Do you want to help shape Canada’s digital future? Here is your chance to join CIRA’s Board of Directors to help us build a trusted internet for Canadians.
By Julie Lépine
Manager, Membership Relations

Are you passionate about the internet? Do you want to help shape Canada’s digital future? Here is your chance to join CIRA’s Board of Directors to help us build a trusted internet for Canadians.

If you’re planning to join our board, or are wondering what it entails, here’s everything you need to know about applying.

The role of the Board

CIRA is governed by a Board of Directors, and every year, around this time, a number of seats on the board become vacant. We’re now looking for qualified candidates to put their name forward to fill five seats on the board.

The role of CIRA’s board is to represent the corporation. The Board of Directors provide strategic direction and oversight to help guide CIRA as it fulfills its mandate to manage the .CA domain as a key public resource for the benefit of all Canadians. The board helps CIRA build a trusted internet for Canadians through initiatives such as the Community Investment Program, cybersecurity products, and the development of Internet Exchange Points.  

Below is a “CIRA Governance 101” about how the Board of Directors election works and what you should know about applying.

What skills and experience are we looking for?

Each year the CIRA Board of Directors submits a Board Competencies and Diversity Report that outlines the skills and experience the nomination committee should look for when reviewing applications. It also provides members with things to keep in mind when voting for candidates.

Here are the skills and background CIRA is especially looking for this year in candidates:

  • A passion for Canada’s internet.
  • Previous board experience with solid understanding of board governance.
  • Ability to understand risks, opportunities, and implications both environmental and internal that may impact CIRA.
  • Experience in the domain name industry in which CIRA operates, including an understanding of the current and emerging business and industry trends.
  • Entrepreneurial experience at the executive level, in starting a technology business or pursuing a “go to market” strategy at the enterprise or line of business level.
  • An understanding of the areas of law related to CIRA’s business, such as internet, IT and privacy.
  • Leadership skills and the ability to listen and be open to others’ perspectives and synthesize and build consensus.
  • A human resource management background including a good understanding of the need for and experience in encouraging diversity and inclusiveness in the workforce and methods of managing and retaining top talent.

It is important to note that positions on CIRA’s board are not considered entry-level. It is imperative for the board’s effective functioning that all its members have a good understanding of the duties and responsibilities of directors and board governance in the not-for-profit and/or the for-profit sectors and solid board experience.


Two ways to join: the Nomination Committee slate and Member slate

Elected Directors from the Nomination Committee slate and Member slate serve as equals on the Board. There will be five vacancies on the Board in September 2021 to be filled by Directors. Four of these vacancies will be filled from among those individuals nominated by the Nomination Committee, and one of them will be filled from the Member slate. One of the Nomination Committee vacancies will be for a Replacement Seat, filling out the remainder of a resigning board member’s term. Thus, all Directors elected will serve three-year terms except for the Replacement Seat, who shall be elected for a two-year term.

For the Nomination Committee slate anyone who has the necessary skills and experience can apply. A Nomination Committee vets and selects candidates to appear on the nomination committee slate of the ballot for election. You can start applying for the Nomination Committee slate on June 2 and the application period closes June 16, 2021.

For the Member Slate, you must be a CIRA member (If you’re a .CA holder, you can become a member – and it’s free!). In this nomination round, members must also narrow down the list of candidates ahead of the vote, by showing support for a nominee. Nominees who receive more than 20 shows of support will appear as a candidate on the Member slate of the ballot for election. The Member slate application period begins July 29, 2021 and the deadline to apply is August 12, 2021. Following the application period, members show their support for candidates starting on August 26, 2021 until September 9, 2021.

CIRA members vote for four nomination committee candidates and for one member candidate. The voting period begins during CIRA’s annual general meeting on September 23, 2021 and members have seven days to cast their vote.

What are the opportunities in joining CIRA’s board?

Board members help CIRA in its mandate to build a trusted internet for Canadians. If that is not inspiring enough, here’s more on the opportunities that come with the role:

Gain valuable insight and experience developing and implementing policies that support Canada’s internet community and the .CA registry internationally.

Apply your skills and expertise to help develop the strategic direction of CIRA.

Getting opportunities to work with Canada’s top digital leaders and technologists.

CIRA’s Board of Directors are compensated for their work.

For more information on CIRA’s Board of Directors election, you can go to

Not a member?

If you are a .CA holder, you can become a CIRA member. As a member, you can vote in the Board of Directors election and annual general meeting. You also get the opportunity to attend local events for networking, business development and stay up-to-date on CIRA’s latest initiatives.

About the author
Julie Lépine

As the Manager of Membership Relations at CIRA, Julie manages the development, planning and delivery of CIRA’s membership and Member-related activities and engagement. She strives to create opportunities for Members and consumers, and partners to share, connect, and learn and get the most out of their relationship with CIRA.
