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  • .CA domains

Why being Canadian online matters

If you've been paying attention to the world these days you might notice something—Canada is having a moment
By Spencer Callaghan
Senior Manager, Brand & Communications

Everywhere you look, Canadian values, leaders, artists, activists, and entrepreneurs are showing the world that this country is pretty awesome.

As the world looks for leaders that embrace diversity, inclusion, equality, justice, and fairness, being proudly Canadian online declares that you believe in these values too.

When it comes to your personal brand, what you believe in, and what you stand for are just as important as what you do or where you went to school. The internet has created a world where what you value is often as important as what you do in the eyes of potential employers or clients.

It’s uniquely Canadian

Whether you live in the 6ix, represent VanCity, or practice the East Coast lifestyle you know that where you’re from is a major part of your identity. When you’re online, your domain can do the same thing. While your name should be your brand, having .CA at the end declares that you’re proudly Canadian.

Unlike many other top-level domains, not just anyone can get a .CA domain. The Canadian Internet Registration Authority manages the .CA domain and enforces presence requirements to ensure only those who live or do business in Canada can get one.

So like a Canadian passport, your .CA domain tells the world that you are a Celsius-using, CBC-watching, ketchup-chip eating Canadian. It’s an exclusive club but we’re very friendly :).

Membership has its privileges

Of course, having a .CA domain is more than just a Canadian flag on your digital backpack. It turns out .CA domains have a lot of great side benefits.

Because .CA domains are managed exclusively for the benefit of Canadians, a lot of work goes into making sure every one is safe, secure, and reliable. Visitors to a .CA domain are more likely to trust what they see and feel secure in linking on the link.

What’s that? You’d like a list? Well here are five reasons to get a .CA domain for your personal brand.

  1. You’re a Canadian talking to other Canadians. Your .CA domain name immediately tells people where you’re from. Did you know that 79 per cent of Canadians prefer to support Canadian businesses? Now you do.
  2. Doing business with other Canadians is just easier. Remember when you ordered that sweater and it was priced in U.S. dollars, took over a month to ship, and you had to pay an extra $30 in duty to get it across the border? None of that.
  3. Google loves .CA. Your .CA domain name tells search engines “hey, this is a canuck over here” which means you’ll be more visible to fellow Canadians.
  4. .com is already taken. You probably wouldn’t want it anyway, but a .com domain is hard to come by. Also, it’s a little too corporate for a someone as unique as you.
  5. .CA gives back. Every .CA domain that is registered helps fund our Community Investment Program which does cool things like help kids learn to code and provide access to under-served communities.

A .CA domain declares your business is proudly Canadian

About the author
Spencer Callaghan

Spencer Callaghan is the senior manager, brand & communications at CIRA. He is a writer, former journalist, and has experience in technology, non-profit, and agency environments throughout his career. His areas of expertise include content marketing, social media, branding, and public relations.
