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Treat yo shelves with books from these local Canadian authors

By Glenna Tapper
Corporate Communications Manager

Canada’s internet, and technology in turn, is of course our bread and butter. But, in a world deluged by technology, sometimes it’s nice to silence the noise and cozy up with a page-turner. These local Canadian authors with .CAs have tickled our team ink on National Read a Book day.

Guy Gavriel Kay |

Book recommendation: Ysabel

Karen Marks, DevOps Specialist, DNS’ thoughts: Guy Gavriel Kay writes historical fantasy, taking familiar elements from our world and merging them with the fantastical. I started reading his first work, The Fionavar Tapestry, and was immediately sucked in by how relatable the five main characters were. They’re all students at the University of Toronto, where the book is initially set, before they’re swept away on an adventure. His books have beautiful endings that are all at once satisfying, tragic but also hopeful—at the end of his books I’m usually left with either tears of joy or sadness (or both).

My personal favourite is Ysabel, a loose sequel to The Fionavar Tapestry. Ysabel is about a young Montrealer travelling in the south of France who encounters unexpected, fantastical things. The character interactions make me want to read it again and again.

Iona Whishaw |

Book recommendation: A Killer in King’s Cove

Dhara Vyas, Compliance Officer’s thoughts: I was introduced to Iona Whishaw when I visited British Columbia for the first time. I love mysteries, and it was a great way for me to read the book and then see the corresponding sites on my visit to BC. I find Whishaw’s female characters well written, engaging, funny and fierce. I think what sealed Whishaw being my favourite author was reading the back story on how she came up with the main character of her Lane Wislow Mystery series, Lane Winslow. Lane was based on Whishaw’s mother, who was a wartime spy.

I find Whishaw’s series just get better with each book and are fun reads. I would definitely recommend anyone who likes a female-driven mystery in Canada to pick up the first in the Lane Winslow series, A Killer in King’s Cove. And while you read the books, go visit the mentioned areas in BC too!

Nancy Cohen |

Book recommendation: Here Babies, There Babies

Glenna Tapper, Corporate Communication Manager’s thoughts: While our other authors’ works are geared towards the more experienced reader, we’d be remiss if we didn’t highlight a Canadian children’s book author! Nancy Cohen was inspired to write books for children during her long career as a children’s librarian. A firm believer that children should be read to every day from birth, Cohen’s books are colourful, rhythmic and sure to capture the interest of any baby—my little nephew, Fox, can certainly attest to this.

The book that started it all, HERE babies, THERE babies, follows babies on a typical day: visiting the park, going to the store and frequenting the library. I would definitely recommend this board book to any parent (or aunt and uncle!) who enjoys story time with their little ones.

Margaret Atwood |

Book recommendation: The Handmaid’s Tale

Shehnila Sayeed, Communication Specialist’s thoughts:

Margaret Atwood lives up to the hype. As an unmatched world builder, she writes complex and dynamic characters and page-turning stories that stay with you long after you’ve finished reading. While The Handmaid’s Tale is a great TV series to watch, I think it’s an even better one to read. I started reading Atwood’s books as an entry into feminist literature, as it’s no secret that Margaret Atwood’s plots often fictionalize elements of current and historical themes. That also means that if you pick up a Margaret Atwood book, prepare for an experience that’ll open your eyes and challenge you. Wondering where to start with Atwood’s work? My favourites are The Handmaid’s Tale, The Edible Woman and Blind Assassin.

Have a favourite Canadian author with a .CA? Send your recommendations our way! And if you’re a local Canadian author without a .CA… what are you waiting for? Register your domain today!

About the author
Glenna Tapper
