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Domain name myth busters – three common misconceptions that small business owners have about domain names

There are many myths out there about domain names. It's important not to let these myths hold you back from doing what's right for your business.
By Jason Faber
Product Marketing Manager

Every year the CIRA team conducts a national survey to learn more about our customers and how they view the world of domain names. This year’s survey pointed out some misconceptions on the complexity and cost of domain names that we thought it would good to address head-on.

MYTH 1: “Domain names are expensive”

In CIRA’s latest usage and attitudes research, we discovered that Canadian Internet users believe that domain names cost $131 per year, which is far higher than the average actual cost of a .CA.  Over the last six months, .CA domain names were being sold by CIRA’s Registrars for an average of $14 per year, and, with certain promotions, can be as low as $1.99. Furthermore, most Registrars offer discounts if you register your domain for more than 1 year. Simply put, you can secure a valuable domain name at an affordable price. For less than the cost of a cup of coffee a month you can own your brand online. What are you waiting for?

MYTH 2: “Setting up a domain name is too technically challenging”

Many people shy away from buying a domain name because they think that the process will be too complicated or that they don’t have the technical skills needed. This is false. You don’t need to be a web developer, or even have strong technical skills, in order to register a domain name and get value from it. CIRA’s Registrars are continuously breaking down the traditional technical barriers that some customers experience, making it easier to buy domain names and put them to good use.  With integrated services like website builders and templates, or web and email hosting, many Registrars can get you up and running quickly, at an affordable price. We’ve compiled a listing of Registrars and the services they provide to help you make the right choice for your business’ needs. Find your .CA today and refine your search by applying your desired filters on the left for the services that matter most.

A .CA domain declares your business is proudly Canadian

MYTH 3: “My business is too small to have a website”

A recent study performed by GoDaddy and Reshift revealed that 59 per cent of Canadian businesses with five or fewer workers don’t have a website. 35 per cent of respondents reported that the reason that they didn’t have a website was that they were simply too small. Every business, no matter the size, can benefit from a website. In fact, lacking a website is putting them at a competitive disadvantage. The study goes on to show that small businesses that plan to get online are more optimistic about their future and attracting new customers. It’s important to start the process as soon as possible, so even if you are not ready to build a website, register your domain name to protect your brand online.

Okay, we’ve busted those myths: you don’t need a lot of money, you don’t need to be a web developer, and you’re not too small get the most out of a website with a .CA domain name.

In the end, all you need is a great idea.

About the author
Jason Faber

In his role as Product Marketing Manager for .CA Jason is responsible for developing and implementing comprehensive marketing plans and strategies to promote and strengthen the .CA brand. With experience in marketing, technology and digital strategy, Jason strives to engage and educate consumers to ensure that they get the most out of their .CA domain and overall web presence.
