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Canadians are pivoting online in record numbers with .CA domains

By Spencer Callaghan
Senior Manager, Brand & Communications

OTTAWA, JULY 14, 2021  – The pandemic has brought about an exceptional year for Canada’s internet landscape, and particularly for the .CA domain. Data from CIRA —the non-profit organization that manages the .CA domain on behalf of all Canadians— suggests that Canadians are choosing a .CA domain name for their websites more than ever before.

The findings come from the Q1 2021 .CA Insights Report, which showcases .CA domain registration data from January to March 2021. Using a combination of .CA Registry data, third-party vendors, and publicly available data, the report shows the emerging trends in Canada’s online presence and the pandemic’s impact on Canadian domain registrations.

Overall, the first quarter of 2021 has seen a large rise in .CA domains registered, demonstrating the value of the Canadian brand both nationally and globally.

Key Findings

The full findings can be found in the Q1 2021 .CA Insights Report.

  • The growth rate for .CA domains under management (DUMs) has nearly tripled since last year, from 0.35% in March 2020 to 0.99% in March 2021.
  • Based on the top-ranked keywords in .CA domain registrations, domains related to ecommerce, online community and being local/Canadian saw some of the biggest increases in registrations.
  • Although Ontario holds the title of province with the most .CAs registered, BC has the highest proportion of .CAs to population – almost one domain registered for every eight British Columbians.
  • Four out of the top 10 visited .CA sites in Canada are related to e-commerce, with the most popular being
  • .CA domains are safe, secure and reliable – almost 60% of .CAs have an SSL certificate, and only 0.1% of all .CA domains are used maliciously, one of the lowest abuse rates among TLDs.

About CIRA

CIRA (The Canadian Internet Registration Authority) manages the .CA top-level domain on behalf of all Canadians. CIRA also develops technologies and services—such as CIRA DNS Firewall and CIRA Canadian Shield—that help support its goal of building a trusted internet for Canadians. CIRA team operates one of the fastest-growing country code top-level domains (ccTLD), a high-performance global DNS network, and one of the world’s most advanced back-end registry solutions.
