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CIRA’s Board of Directors election: how you can join the Board through the nomination committee slate

By Julie Lépine
Manager, Membership Relations

Are you an internet aficionado? Love the idea of shaping Canada’s digital future? If your answer is yes, then now is your chance to join CIRA’s Board of Directors to help us build a trusted internet for Canadians.

CIRA is governed by a Board of Directors, and every year a few seats on the board open. This year, the Nomination Committee is looking for qualified candidates to fill three seats on the board.

If you want to join the board through the Nomination Committee slate, or are curious about the process, keep reading to learn everything you need to know about applying.

The role of the Board

The role of CIRA’s Board is to guide our organization. The Board of Directors provides strategic direction and oversight; they support CIRA as it fulfills its mandate to manage the .CA domain, as a key public resource, for the benefit of all Canadians. The board helps CIRA build a trusted internet for Canadians through initiatives like the Community Investment Program, cybersecurity products, the development of Internet Exchange Points and so much more.  

What skills and experience should candidates have?

Every year, CIRA’s Board of Directors submits a letter to the Nomination Committee outlining the skills and experience the committee should look for when reviewing applications. This letter also lets members know what to keep in mind when voting for candidates.

The Nomination Committee is looking for these skills and experience in this year’s candidates:

  • A passion for Canada’s internet
  • Experience in the domain name industry in which CIRA operates, including an understanding of the current and emerging business and industry trends
  • Deep financial acumen as a credentialed practitioner
  • Knowledge of key components of cybersecurity
  • Entrepreneurial experience at the executive level, in starting a technology business or pursuing a “go to market” strategy at the enterprise or line of business level
  • Ability to understand environmental and internal risks, opportunities and implications that may impact CIRA
  • An understanding of areas of law related to CIRA’s business, such as internet, IT, DNS, and privacy
  • Leadership skills with the ability to be open to others’ perspectives and build consensus

It’s important to note that positions on CIRA’s board are not considered entry-level. It’s imperative that all its members have solid board experience and a good understanding of the duties and responsibilities of directors and board governance in the not-for-profit and/or the for-profit space.

Who can apply?

Anyone who has the necessary skills and experience, meets the qualification requirements and can commit to the conditions of directorship is welcome to apply through the Nomination Committee.

A few things for you to know before applying:

  • Nominees, candidates and, if elected, directors, must meet the “Qualification” requirements defined in subsection 3.03 of CIRA’s By-law on the day the Election Period begins (September 15, 2022).
  • Directors serve three-year terms.
  • The minimum time commitment to perform board and committee duties is around 10 to 15 hours per month and approximately 15 business days per year.
  • Directors must be able to fulfill the requirements and responsibilities of their position, for example:
    • Preparing for and attending board and committee meetings
    • Upholding their fiduciary obligations and working cooperatively and respectfully with other board directors and advisors
    • Complying with legislation governing the corporation, the corporation’s by-laws and policies and all other applicable rules
  • Directors must sign an oath of office to adhere to CIRA’s rules, regulations and policies prior to the commencement of their term of office.

What is the application and review process?

Applications for the Nomination Committee slate are accepted from 2 p.m. ET May 25 to 2 p.m. ET June 8, 2022.

The application:
Interested and qualified applicants must complete and submit an application that includes:

  • answers to questions related to their background, skills, and experience
  • a candidate statement
  • answers to three mandatory questions
  • their resume
  • an optional cover letter for the committee
  • reading and agreeing to a nominee declaration

If you’re selected as a candidate by the Nomination Committee, your  statement and answers to mandatory questions will be included in your election profile which is posted publicly on CIRA’s election website.

Review for completeness:
During the application period, CIRA staff review all applications to ensure they are complete, include all required attachments and have been submitted on time.

Review and selection by the Nomination Committee:
All eligible applications are reviewed by the committee for alignment with the background, skills and attributes needed for an effective functioning board.

Once reviewed, the committee selects up to nine candidates who may also be interviewed by a third party organization. Applicants are informed of the committee’s decision in July.

Declaration of conflicts:
Selected candidates must complete a declaration regarding conflicts of interest and financial associations. This declaration is reviewed by CIRA’s independent election Returning Officer for any conflicts that would prevent an applicant from becoming a candidate.

What opportunities are available to CIRA’s Board?

Board members help CIRA in its mandate to build a trusted internet for Canadians. On top of that, some other opportunities that come with the role include:

  • Gaining valuable insight and experience developing and implementing policies that support Canada’s internet community and the .CA registry internationally.
  • Applying your skills and expertise to help develop the strategic direction of CIRA.
  • Working with Canada’s top digital leaders and technologists.
  • Receiving compensation for your work.

For more information on CIRA’s Board of Directors election, you can go to

About CIRA membership

CIRA is a member-based organization that values the input of its members and their contributions to enabling a trusted internet. Having a .CA and being a CIRA member supports the great work we do for Canada’s internet.

Membership is free and only open to .CA holders. It remains active so long as your domain(s) remain registered—there’s no additional renewal process beyond renewing your .CA domain name!

If you’re not a member and have a .CA domain name—become one! Don’t have a .CA domain name? What are you waiting for—register yours today.

About the author
Julie Lépine

As the Manager of Membership Relations at CIRA, Julie manages the development, planning and delivery of CIRA’s membership and Member-related activities and engagement. She strives to create opportunities for Members and consumers, and partners to share, connect, and learn and get the most out of their relationship with CIRA.
