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CIRA Board of directors election: Showing your support for member nominees and why it’s important.

By Julie Lépine
Manager, Membership Relations

On August 18 the list of CIRA members who have indicated their interest in joining the board will be published. Starting on the same date, it will be up to members which nominees will appear on the final election ballot by endorsing them through the “Show of Support” period.

As a member, being an active participant in CIRA’s governance is where you’ll have the most impact towards our mission and is one of the ultimate ways to activate your role as a member.

Why show your support for member nominees?

This is your opportunity to advance the most qualified (and your preferred) nominee to the final ballot. To become a final candidate on the member’s slate of the final ballot in the board of director’s election, member nominees must receive at least 20 shows of support from members. Only CIRA members can endorse a member nominee during the show of support period.

How to prepare to show your support for member nominees?

It’s important to have candidates who are qualified and with the right skills and experience to achieve a well-functioning and balanced board. Before you show your support for a member nominee read their candidate information and the list of desired skills and experience needed on the board. You can also read our recent blog post about joining the board through the member’s slate. These resources can help you make an informed decision when casting your support.

How to show your support for member nominees?

The show of support period runs from August 18 to September 1, 2022 at 2 p.m. ET. Showing your support is easy and only takes a few minutes. Members will cast one show of support for one nominee.

CIRA will send an email to each eligible member on August 18, 2022 at approximately 2 p.m. ET containing a unique voter ID and PIN number and a link to the voting system.

If you do not receive the email containing your voter ID and PIN number and have verified that you are a member eligible to vote, contact a CIRA representative at [email protected].

For more information on CIRA’s Board of Directors election, you can go to

About CIRA membership

CIRA is a member-based organization that values the input of its members and their contributions to enabling a trusted internet. Having a .CA and being a CIRA member supports the great work we do for Canada’s internet.

Membership is free and only open to .CA holders. It remains active so long as your domain(s) remain registered—there’s no additional renewal process beyond renewing your .CA domain name!

If you’re not a member and have a .CA domain name—become one! Don’t have a .CA domain name? What are you waiting for—register yours today.

About the author
Julie Lépine

As the Manager of Membership Relations at CIRA, Julie manages the development, planning and delivery of CIRA’s membership and Member-related activities and engagement. She strives to create opportunities for Members and consumers, and partners to share, connect, and learn and get the most out of their relationship with CIRA.
