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Board of Directors’ Meeting
June 13, 2019
9:00 a.m.  – 4:00 p.m.
CIRA Offices at
979 Bank Street, Suite 400

Directors attending: Alex Beraskow, Ryan Black, Don Bowman, Andrew Escobar, Matthew Gamble, Jill Kowalchuk, Rowena Liang, Tyson Macaulay, Louise Macdonald, Helen McDonald, Bill Sandiford, Rob Villeneuve

Advisors: John Demco, Byron Holland, Pamela Miller 

Corporate Secretary: Paul Havey

Guests: Sanita Alias, Steven Barry, Albert Chang, Dave Chiswell, David Fowler, Andrew Fraser, Jacques Latour

1.   In-Camera Session                                                       

2.   Approval of Agenda                                                                

3.   Chair’s Remarks                                                 

4.   Consent Agenda                             

  • Approval of the Draft Minutes of the May 15, 2019 Board of Directors’ Meeting

  • Report on Statutory Obligations

  • Preliminary Unaudited Q4-FY19 Financial Results

  • Q4/FY19 Risk Management

5.   Management Report                                                     

6.   Committee Reports                                               

6.1 Report from Governance Committee                      

  • Corporate Secretary

  • Director Compensation Policy         

6.2 Report from the Market Strategy Committee          

6.3 Report from the Community Investment Committee                  

6.4 Report from Finance, Audit, Investment and Risk Management Committee

  • CIRA Statement of Investment Policies & Procedures (SIPP)

7.   Update on Strategic Planning                                       

8.     Other Business                                                            

9.     Next Meeting: July 24, 2019

10.  In-Camera Session                                                                                              

11.  Adjournment                                                                         

