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MINUTES of the Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) of members of Canadian Internet Registration Authority held at the Markin MacPhail Centre, Calgary, Alberta on September 16, 2014 at 11:50 a.m.

1.    Call to Order and Approval of the Agenda: Susan Mehinagic, the Chair of CIRA, called the meeting to order and acted as Chair of the meeting. Carole Mackaay, Corporate Secretary, acted as Secretary of the meeting.

MINUTES of the Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) of members of Canadian Internet Registration Authority held at the Markin MacPhail Centre, Calgary, Alberta on September 16, 2014 at 11:50 a.m.

1.    Call to Order and Approval of the Agenda: Susan Mehinagic, the Chair of CIRA, called the meeting to order and acted as Chair of the meeting. Carole Mackaay, Corporate Secretary, acted as Secretary of the meeting.

The Chair declared that in accordance with CIRA’s By-law No. 1, notice of meeting had been duly given to all CIRA members in good standing: there was a quorum present and, the meeting was duly constituted for the transaction of business.

2. Verification of the 2013 Annual General Meeting Minutes: There being no corrections nor additions to the minutes of the Annual General Meeting held September 16, 2013, the Chair noted that the minutes stood as approved.

3. Report of the Board of Directors: The Chair of the Board reported on the fiscal year just completed.  The year had been marked by positive achievement and forward momentum for the organization.  CIRA remains one of the world leading domain registries and this in the context of an industry undergoing significant change in the domain name area and the Internet space.   New generic top level domains i.e. CLUB and. GURU, on the one hand, and the decrease in growth rates for incumbent top level domains, i.e. .CA, on the other, have proved stimulating and are serving as catalysts for innovation.  The organization is positioning itself to thrive in a rapidly changing future.

While the core function at CIRA remains the management of the .CA registry and underlying DNS, the strategic plan expands the focus of the organization on other areas.  Enhancements to the security of .CA through DNSSEC and improvements to the DNS infrastructure are examples. Other new product offerings include the Registry lock and the upcoming .CA Anycast network which will promote CIRA as a world class service and place it among the most secure of the top level domains..

CIRA is preparing to offer a new service, Registry Lite, creating a new revenue stream.  The service will be available to new generic top -level domains and small country code top level domains.  The enhanced DNS service will improve the reliability and resiliency of the DNS in Canada with Canadian built infrastructure.

An update was provided on the Community Investment Program announced at last year’s Annual General Meeting.  The initiative designed to make a positive impact on how Canadians access and use the Internet has been successfully launched.  In 2014, CIRA invested nearly one and a quarter million dollars in almost 30 initiatives across the country that will advance the Internet in Canada

The report stressed the importance of the human component in creating the culture and achieving the results described.  The valuable contribution of management, staff and the Board were noted and gratefully acknowledged.  CIRA is considered an employer of choice.  It is this which helps it attract the best and brightest talent Canada has to its service.  It is this which will ensure its future over time.  

4. Summary of the Financial Statements for fiscal year ending March 31, 2014:

Rowena Liang, CIRA’s Chair of the Audit Committee presented the financial statements for the fiscal year March 31, 2014, a copy of the Auditor’s Report and the financial statements can be viewed on CIRA’s web site at .

5. Appointment of Auditors:It was moved by Bill Gibson, seconded by Patricia Blythe, that KPMG be and are hereby appointed as Auditors of CIRA, to hold office until the next Annual General Meeting or until their successors are duly appointed and that the Board of Directors be and are hereby authorized to fix the remunerations of the Auditors.

6. Questions from Members:

Questions from Members can be found at  .

7. Adjournment

On motion by David Fulton and seconded by Mark Mousseau, the meeting was concluded at 12:30 p.m.
