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The BC Civil Liberties Association (BCCLA) is the oldest and most active civil liberties group in the country, with a mandate to promote, defend, sustain, and extend civil liberties and human rights in BC and Canada. With StatsCan data showing that 97% of youth aged 15-24 own a smartphone – and given that school administrators are legally authorized to search students because of their duty to protect them and provide an orderly learning environment – BCCLA recognized a pressing need to provide youth with age-appropriate tools to understand how smartphone information can be collected and used by state entities like law enforcement, teachers, doctors, and social workers.


They developed Digital Privacy Rights for Youth, a guide for high-school and post-secondary teachers with an information guide, lesson plans and videos. This project examined student and privacy rights in schools when it comes to smartphones and it distilled complex information into something kids and their educators and caregivers can easily understand. It was widely distributed to schools in Ontario and BC, filling a critical knowledge gap in digital literacy.


  • Learn more about digital privacy rights for youth, watch videos and download the guide on their website


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